Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mystery Person

Every month are ward prints a news letter. In the news letter they have a mystery person. This is this months.
This month’s mystery person column is twice as good as ever, because there are two mystery persons. Both M.P.s consider themselves "desert rats", but of course they live in Springville now. They both attend West Side School, but that’s where the similarity ends. M.P. A is very social. The teacher sometimes has to ask him to quit chatting and listen. He loves going to school; if he is sick, he pretends he is well so he won’t have to miss school. He says that being a quick learner is one of his talents. He loves science, particularly learning about animals. He would like to become a paleontologist, travel the world, and discover a completely new dinosaur. In a few years, he would really, really like to learn to play the guitar. On the other hand, M.P. B is quiet in school, a good listener, and gets his work done fast. His favorite subject is art, and his favorite color is orange. He believes physical agility is one of his talents. When he grows up , he would like to be a policeman. He is very proficient at video games and likes to beat the high scores. Both boys want to attend a university after high school. Both of them are also planning on serving missions, and they both think it would be great to serve in Australia. Both boys like sports, but M.P. A particularly likes soccer and basketball, and M.P. B likes base ball and wrestling.
One more thing both our M.P.s say: they have always had a testimony. Maybe they brought their testimonies with them from Heaven.
Favorite Primary song: M.P.A loves "Book of Mormon Stories", and M.P. B’s choice is " I Am a Child of God".
Personal Hero: M.P. A has "thousands" of heroes, but if he had to choose just one, he would choose George Washington. M.P. B says his hero is his mom. (Wow, give that boy another cookie!)
Best vacation spot: Both say Yellowstone! They saw Old Faithful, and their cousin saw a clapping bear, and they both brought home dream catchers and arrow heads.
Last, lets talk about my favorite subject: food! M.P.A loves Red Lobster shrimp, and M.P. B’s favorite food is Applebee’s ribs. (Hungry yet?)
M.P. A is Aiton
M.P. B is Josh

Ninja Turtle Blog

Hello, this is Aiton. Do you like Ninja Turtles? Well I do. Did you know there are future turtles. We have part 1 of TMNT The Return of Suvanti Romero. It’s about when Leo, Donny, Ralph and Micky go into dino times. They even ride on dinos. Isn’t that so cool. Well Leo is the blue one with swords. Don is the purple one with a bow staff. Ralph is the red turtle with si’s. Micky is awesome. He is orange and has nun-chucks. Their main enemy is Shredder.
Good bye, Aiton
P.S. cowabunga dude

Monday, February 16, 2009

Super football

Hello, my name is Josh. I play football a lot. It is so fun. I throw high. My brother plays with me a lot. I like making touchdowns. My favorite team is Broncos. They make a lot of touchdowns. I also like other sports. My second favorite sport is basketball. My favorite team is Jazz. Have a good day, Love Josh

P.S. Be cool

bella sara mini blog

Dear viewers, this is Aiton speaking. Do you like Bella Sara? Well I do. Bella is a magical horse and Sara is her owner. She owns thousands of horses. There is different horses like Bello, Thunder, and Jewl. You can collect cards, lunchboxes and other stuff of Bella Sara. Bella Sara is the best horse in the world. She lives in a land called North of North. Good by. I'll be riding in the wild west. ye ha! Love Aiton

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

aiton and josh

Hello, every body it seems like every body is doing this blog thing so I thought I would give it a try. I took a picture of Aiton and Josh today before coming to work and I figured out how to get it on here. Not bad for a first timer.

Aiton is in 2nd grade and is doing well. We help out his class every Tuesday doing math facts. Aiton was one of the first ones in his class to get them all past off. He enjoys reading and learning about dinosaurs. He discovered YouTube and loves to go on and watch all the Dino. things.

Josh is in first grade and is doing great. He loves playing basketball at recess. He is really starting to like sports and likes to play catch. He likes the Wii more then every body. He really likes to beat me. Which he does most of the time.

I will try to get more creative and get some more pics.